Earlier in the month, we got our first look at the new Apple products unveiled at its annual new product showcase event. The line-up includes the new iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, iPhone 11 Pro Max, Apple Watch, iPad and even details about the Apple TV+ and Apple Arcade. Let’s find out a little more about how much of a difference the new products show versus the previous generation.
The iPhone 11 retails starting at $699 whereas the iPhone X is currently selling on Verizon starting at $899. The iPhone 8 is for sale starting at $449.
This is one area in which the new iPhone 11 seems to be head over heels above the other models. All three of these phones offer 4K video recording at 24 fps, 30 fps, & 60 fps. Where you are going to notice the difference in is the cameras. iPhone X has more cameras than the iPhone 8 but the iPhone 11 has more cameras than the iPhone X. Apple revamped the camera on the iPhone 11 with triple-lens which includes a telephoto camera, one that lets in 40% more light, as well as an ultra-wide camera with a 120-degree field of view. When comparing all three of these models, the iPhone 11 is head and shoulders above the others in terms of technical capacity.
Battery Life
The iPhone 11 Pro gets four more hours of battery life compared to the iPhone XS and the iPhone 11 Pro Max has five hours more battery life. Compared to the other models, there is shown to be slight improvements in battery life.
Both iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone 11 Pro Max come in green, space gray, silver and gold with a new matte finish to the back panel. The standard iPhone has more color options for users including purple, green, yellow, white, red and black.
Final Thoughts
These are the base models and there are certainly more expensive options out there. This is just to give you a general overview as to what to expect across generations. Since the new items just came out, of course there are going to be missing long term effects of the new vs. the old ones. As you can see, Apple consistently offers more features with its more expensive models.
Apple Watch
Apple also released its Series 5 Watch which begins at $399 for the standard GPS version and goes up to $499 for the 4G network-enabled device. Some of the exciting new features that users will get to enjoy include the always active display, extend the battery life of 18 hours. There isn’t a significant difference between series 5 and series 4. Series 5 does include a compass, rather than just GPS. This will tell you which direction you are facing.
Apple released its newest iPad with a whopping 10.2-inch display compared to the 9.7-inch of its predecessor. The seventh-generation device features a Retina display, an 8-megapixel camera and it has Apple’s A10 Fusion chip built which claims to be faster than the fastest PC. It’s also compatible with Apple’s smart keyboard and the new Apple Pencil to give users a full PC experience. The device starts at $329. The iPad 10.2 is quite similar to the iPad 9.7 which a noticeability larger screen. But acts a full function CPU for users when they need it – making it a great value device.
What The New Apple Products Mean
At iDropped, it’s our job to make sure we can repair the latest technology when it comes out. We repair iPhones, Android, Samsung, Laptops, iPads, etc spanning many generations. In our years in mobile device repair, we notice the rapidly increasing price of these electronics. It’s becoming more of a financial burden for some people to get their upgrades year to year. This is opposed to dealing with what you have. In most cases, there’s not too drastic of a difference in product functions. However, there’s a massive difference in price.
At iDropped, we ask why spend thousands on the new Apple products when you can continue to make your used look as good as new? Especially considering the new iPhone’s lack of 5G network compatibility, now may be a much better time just to repair your phone vs. buying a new one. Contact us for more information about what we can do to help you.
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